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Welcome Amanda

Amanda Smith joins the St. Philip ministry team as our new Communications and Media Coordinator (formerly Parish Administrator). We are very excited to welcome Amanda aboard, and we'll have an opportunity to officially mark the beginning of her ministry with us in worship on Sunday, July 18 and get to know her at a special coffee hour (starts at 10:00 AM). She will be at both services that morning. See you then!

From the staff page: Amanda (she/her/hers) joined St. Philip in July 2021 to assist in the daily administrative duties of the church, including social media management and keeping the congregation informed of weekly activities. She grew up in an ELCA church in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, and moved to Illinois in January of 2021 to work as a nanny for a family.

In addition to working as a nanny and at the church, Amanda also volunteers for Specialty Purebred Cat Rescue as their newsletter designer.

Amanda currently lives in Waukegan with her four pets, Ava (dog), Ayana (cat), Lani (mourning gecko), and Rhea (leopard gecko). When she isn't working, she loves to go camping, hiking, and traveling. She also enjoys reading and playing video games.


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